Join Mindesk Multiuser VR CAD Closed Beta on Rhino and Solidworks
Mindesk 2020.3 introduces Network Multiuser VR on Rhino 6 and Solidworks 2019/2020
Mindesk helps your team collaborate on the same CAD project through multiuser VR sessions. You can use this platform for collaborative design, reviews or just for brainstorming new ideas.
In a Network session you can share your CAD scene with up to 4 team mates and work with them, simultaneously. During a Network session, the live link with CAD is still active, meaning that every participant is able to work directly on the native CAD assets.
Today, we are accepting application from early adopter who need to collaborate in VR.
Keep reading to learn more.
Because the original CAD software runs in parallel with Mindesk, operations like navigation, selection, 3D modelling, review and surface modeling are available to all participants and directly affect the CAD database stored on your workstation.
The system keeps your CAD data safe as the original file is store on the Admin's physical hard drive only, while other participants can only work on it as long as the network session is live.

Hosting multiuser sessions helps your team being more productive even when not phisically in the same room, as long as a LAN connection is shared. Joining your team in VR will allow you to fully understand, discuss and take educated decisions about your project in less time. While immerse in VR, the collaboration experience is amplified by the sense of co-presence and the possibility to use body language to communicate, like pointing at something or waving.
Sharing the same experience, in real time, is the best way to ensure no misunderstandings emerge during the whole design process.
The native integration with Rhinoceros and Solidworks makes the adoption of this tool in your daily practice even easier, as no 3D model conversion or preparation is required. It is literally one click away from you.
Join the Closed Beta
We are currently accepting applications from eligible Mindesk users who want an early access to the Network Multiuser Closed Beta. Admitted users will receive custom training to facilitate their first collaboration session.
Since access to the Closed Beta depends on our team availability, Mindesk Partners, Professional and Enterpirse subscribers (check our Store) will have priority access to this program.