The new Mindesk Suite 2020.2
Here's the first update of the Mindesk Suite: version 2020.2! Among many novelties, there's a new installer, which besides the usual platforms now features also Rhino 7 (WIP) and Unreal Engine 4.25, all under the same directory.
Moreover, now there is native support for the Oculus SDK (including Oculus Link for Quest users) and OpenXR (beta).
Enterprise users will be able to enjoy Mindesk on Varjo headsets, including the Varjo XR1 (beta).

Mindesk for Rhinoceros/Grasshopper
Quite a few novelties for the Rhino Link:
- improved Grasshopper VR rendering speed by 2x
- added Section plane tool
- added Snapshot tool
- added "Option" tab
- added "Quit" option
- added "Sky Background" option
- added support for Rhino 7 (WIP)
Mindesk for SolidWorks 2019/2020
And quite some more for the SolidWorks Link:
- Solidworks <> Unreal Live Link (beta): render your project photorealistically in real time.
- improved large assemblies handling: lower loading time and higher speed.
- improved collision detection tool
- added 1:1 locked scale tool: great way to explore the natural dimensions of the model.
- added Move Part tool (again) : now you can use this feature for design review or training, without modifying the underlying model.
What's next?
As if all this wasn't enough, we're (not so) secretly developing additional features for the next version. The most important one is the Multiuser VR capability, currently in a closed Beta test for paying customers only. We're working to make your wishes come true, don't hesitate in telling us what would make your life easier, we might as well deliver!