Rhinoceros in Virtual Reality
Explore, create and edit Rhino models in VR with Mindesk Live Link.
Rhino is a powerful surface modeling tool. In VR, you will make the most out of it.
Designing organic curvy shapes, and complex assemblies become much easier. The esthetic result is guaranteed as you experience it in 1:1 scale.

Engage with clients
Some non technical client might not immediately grasp the vision of your project from blueprints and 2D renders.
Immerse them in the VR in 1:1 or reduced scale, show them many alternative design quickly and get their approval sooner.
Real-time rendering
with Unreal Studio
Work in Unreal Studio with your Rhino 3D model. In Mindesk you will find real-time Rhino modelling, Unreal materials & lights and Ray Tracing rendering in one place.
Find out more at London Build 2019
Parametric design
Use Grasshopper sliders and edit your Grasshopper script directly in VR to evaluate and compare complex parametric design.
Being immersed will help to find the optimal parameters for your project.